Exposing dirty laundry in public has never been more profitable than now if the boom of selling clothes to fetishists is anything to go by. Indeed, here is a news development that shows that that to sell used panties is more than a means of earning a living but a way to strike your first jackpot. The secret lies in psychoanalysis which shows that men, though unwilling to confess, can pay anything just to grab smelly underwear that still retains the freshness of a woman’s groin. The more unwashed it is, the higher the sale it generates on this website.
The latest piece of news is that of a famous sports girl who has actually earned a cool 340 bucks by just transacting her underwear fresh with the sweat of a fight to an online buyer. This development took place in one of the leading online marketplaces and it created public interest extending to more than just fetishists. It illustrated that earning money with worn panties is not just for desperate housewives seeking to earn extra money but even celebrities who know that admirers are watching their every move!
The above sale of used panties took place on 2nd of October of the year and lasted just a few minutes after the posting of the garments on the site. It is not yet apparent who bought the sexy kits but it is clear that even you would not hesitate to buy used panties from a celebrity you have had a crash on. This might be your only opportunity of getting intimate with her for once in your life. This act has also put more momentum to selling clothes to fetishists, with many sites now claiming additional customers flocking to purchase sweet-smelling underwear a few days after the above superb purchase.
Wondering what’s new in the panty scene? There are hordes of happenings, including the fact that you can now sign up to an account as either a seller or buyer at this website and start a brand new way of life. Reports show that many women who started to sell used panties weeks ago have now abandoned their respective professions to take advantage of this money making pastime that requires no washing tub. They just have to wear their g-strings for a couple of days and then sell them to willing buyers whose passion in life is to buy used panties. Another trend to take advantage of is the fact that some men are ready to pay any amount for wet undergarments that still retain womanly odor.