If you want to make a lot of money selling dirty panties, then you may want to consider investing more time in your new found venture. As with any other business that is performed on the internet, the amount of money that you will earn is directly proportional to the amount of time that you will invest in the business. In order to generate the kind of money that you want a lot of commitment and handwork will be required in the process. This article will show how you can manage your erotic trade and reap the most out of it.Plan your scheduleLet’s assume you are a house wife and you have several house-hold duties that require your attention. You will need to plan a schedule that fits well in your panty business to make it succeed. Try to be finishing most of your chores by mid-morning so that the remaining time in the afternoon can be spent online promoting your panty selling business. Alternatively, if you have no problem working at night, then you can choose to re-plan your schedule so that it favors your buyers.Set goalsIt is always a wonderful thing to know that you have achieved a certain goal. Even better is when it occurs just the way you had planned it. If you want your used panty business to expand, then you will need to set meaningful goals that you can meet. For example, you can start by setting small goals like locating new clients and working hard to increase their numbers. However, while increasing their numbers you must make sure that you do not forget your existing clients. Treat these clients well and they will remain loyal to your services.Have an open mindIn the course of your panty selling career you will come across many clients who will be interested in your erotic wares. Additionally, you will also come across others who will seem to have weird fetish requests, but do not fret this is only part of the job. In as much as you want to promote your business and built a great reputation with your clients, you will also need to learn how to accommodate all their fetish needs. Without an open mind, it will be difficult for you to please them and fulfill all their sexual needs. These are some of the things you can use to promote your panty selling business.